Friday, July 9, 2010

Mp3 or ipod nano?

Im looking at buying a music player, but am torn between these two systems. the ipod nano, and this mp3 player. Please check out the websites as follow, and tell me which one and why?

Thank you so much!!

p.s. this must be able to work through an 8 + hour drive!!

Mp3 or ipod nano?
the tge looks so cheap (quality) and doesn't look like it will last as long as the nano

ummmm, also a nano is an mp3 player
Reply:I say get the ipod, morebattery power, and I had a cheap mp3 like that before, it broke after 2 monthes and 2 gb is much better than 1.
Reply:I got a free iPod Video from this site, and I would recommend it to anyone who's looking to buy an iPod. Why pay for something you can get for free, right?
Reply:Well, in my opinion I think you should get a iPod Nano (PINK, NOT SILVER!) The iPod Nano can do much more than a regular TGE MP3 Player! (I never heard of it before until now x.x) (Not Popular!!!) You can probably trust Apple than x.x...TGE. Also, the iPod Nano is much, much, much more popular!!!!! Well, e-mail me with any questions!!!! GOOD LUCK!!! :P

And, oh yeah, the iPod Nano has GAMES!!!!!
Reply:Go with the ipod nano.
Reply:I would go for the iPod nano because they last a lot longer then MP3 players and plus it holds more than that MP3

hope that helped

have a great day : )
Reply:A Ipod Nano because its really popular.
Reply:the diffbetween the 2 is that apple is known 4 its costomer service and warrentee good luck getting any1 2 help u if the other 1 breaks and the 1 that isn't the nano can play video but the screen is so small so it probably wouldn't be worth it
Reply:Go for the Mp3. People are hyped up about ipods just because of the brand name. If you get it you'll be paying for the name not neccessarily the quality. With ipods you can only download music using itunes, other mps players allow youto use any program even free ones.
Reply:buy a zune. there more expensive, but there cooler and play so much more than a ipod
Reply:You will be extremely better off getting the nano only because you'll be spending less money than u dink...And it has a larger capacity hours wise... So nano is the way to won't be worried about breaking it...Nano's do have warrantys
Reply:i would chose the ipod nano. i have a 4gig green nano and the battery life is 24 hours of contiuous play. That's plenty, if you plan on taking long trips.
Reply:ipod nano. try there $15 off right now. i just ordered mine.
Reply:I think an ipod nano becuase it holds a lot more songss!! Also, the battery is long lasting and stays charged for up to 24hrs!! good luck!!!! :D

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