I am about ask you a very often asked question: Which mp3 Player/ Media Player should I get?????
I am allowed to get any Mp3 Player and Of course I am going towards Buying a Ipod Video. But my eyes have come across the Media Players like the Archos. What are your opinions of what Mp3 Player I should get, their features and which one would be better for me???
Any Help will be Appreciated
Mp3 Player/Media Player?
Ive never had but have heard many a bad things about iPods. I myself am antipod due to their music formatting. I have an iRiver H20 with video and its video is just as good as the iPod. The main differences.................I dont have to buy my music from iTunes and can get them from any service and get a subscription service to download as many songs a month I want for a monthly fee cheaper and always getting the newest music. Secondly the price. I have viewed many video players like this most are as good if not better than the iPod video. But of course the ultimate choice it up to you. Just a few options I noticed when buying mine. Peace out.....
Reply:iPod paying for a name thats it. Its made in China like all the other cheap electronics. They all come off the same line. Thats why they look exactly like the name brand ones just a different name on it.
human teeth
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