Monday, August 16, 2010

Mp3 player malfunction?

I have this mp3 player. I have no idea what brand or kind it is (I received it last Christmas). A few months ago, it began having troubles so I formatted the mp3 player (although my father STRICTLY told me not to--I came on here and asked and everyone said to format it to fix errors). Now, whenever I turn the mp3 player on, it says "initializing, starting" and it sometimes will get to the main menu. Then, it shuts off and restarts the process. How can I fix this?

Mp3 player malfunction?
Well, cant help you much there but maybe you should try contacting the manufacturer is you have the box, or check their website. Hope it works well later on
Reply:If it is a hard drive MP3 (20GB or 30GB) player it sounds like the hard drive may hane gone bad. That happened to me with an older Creative Zen and I had to get a new drive for it.

It is very unlikely that formatting it caused any of the problems. When you format it still should leave the operating system on the drive. It sounds like it isn't able to read the information off the disk.

Bob K

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